Students studying

Educational Psychology

Educational psychology majors study how people learn. Rather than just teaching others, they discover the best methods to ensure material sticks, how to help people overcome learning difficulties, and some of the best ways teachers can engage their students. When you major in educational psychology, you study how humans learn emotionally, socially, and cognitively. Educational psychology majors learn how to measure learning and behavior, how to improve learning and motivation, how society influences learning and behavior, and how human development influences learning and wellbeing. To earn a degree in educational psychology, one must typically first earn a bachelor's degree in general psychology. This degree is the foundation upon which a master's degree or Ph.D. program in educational psychology is built on. Career opportunities exist in a number of areas for individuals holding a degree in educational psychology. Educational institutions are the main source of prospects, but community organizations, learning centers, or government and private research centers also offer a wealth of opportunities.

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