University of Phoenix-Arizona
Phoenix, AZ, USA


University of Phoenix-Arizona


from Springfield, MO

Current student

In which ways do you feel you are learning and growing?

I feel I am learning and growing because the classwork challenges me to think critically and stimulates my growth by making me think.

How are you enjoying your time at this college?

I am absolutely loving my time at this college.

What tips can you share with prospective students?

Classes are one class every five weeks and as long as you do the work, you should be fine.

What qualities do you have that have best prepared you for success at this institution?

Determination, motivation, and perseverance.

In what ways do you feel this college challenges students academically?

The classwork challenges you to think critically and stimulates your growth by making you think.

How would you describe the dorm life at this school?

There are no dorms; it's all online.

How would you describe the food and dining options?

There are no food options: again, it's all online

How does this institution support campus safety or mental health and wellness programs?

You can talk to a counselor through the Life Center at the University of Phoenix.

Sandy from Argyle, WI

a current student here
42 people found this review useful
Bang for the buck
I have had several schools tell me that they can give me just as good of an education as the University of Phoenix, but for a lot less money, and I always reply with: I am happy where I am, I like everything and everyone at the University of Phoenix, and I do not plan to change schools. Thank you and have a good day!
Tips for prospective students
Just make sure you read and follow your instructors directions and ask any questions you might have, because there is no such thing as a stupid question!
Great for these types of students
This school is great for anyone who is willing to put their best foot forward for their education, life, and career. If you are willing to learn, then the University of Phoenix is for you!! Have fun and learn lots.

Amelia from Portland, OR

a current student here
25 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
Two reasons really drew me into this school. One - I was self-employed when I began going to college doing my own courier service and I was open for business 24/7, which meant I could not have time constraints on when I was or was not in class. Two - I was always one of those kids in high school who paid attention and read the book so listening to the teacher's lecture put me to sleep because it was something I had already learned by reading the book or by watching a youtube video that explained a concept. I am learning so much through University of Phoenix. There are discussion questions every other week where every student in the class is involved in them and by talking to your classmates about a pertinent subject in the class or a concept that everyone is learning, it not only makes you understand material better but also makes you think more on the subject and see how other people view the concept you are all learning as well. As long as you are willing to be your own teacher by actually reading the textbook, and if you don't understand a concept, then youtube a video or google it to learn more, you get a lot out of this college as far as information is concerned. Of course, your instructors are also always available by telephone or e-mail as well and I have, in the ten classes I have taken, never had an instructor who was rude or would not explain a concept for me. All of my instructors have been great at explaining concepts that I don't understand as well.
Am enjoying being here
I absolutely love being at University of Phoenix. I love it because everyone is so helpful and wonderful, especially the students in the class. I have taken a few challenging courses and find that normally when I am struggling, at the same time someone will post a link to a video or webpage on the chat forum that explains a concept we are supposed to be mastering. I really enjoy how everyone comes together as a class and helps one another understand the concepts. All of my instructors have been really helpful as well and always willing to explain anything I do not understand.
Bang for the buck
This school might be expensive for some people, but it is definitely worth what you are paying for. I have learned so much from all of my classes, even my electives, and I continue to learn new material everyday. I like that the instructors always find a way to make the material interesting so you aren't just reading a textbook everyday and eventually becoming bored with it. You are always learning something and you may even pick up a few friends across the country along the way! I have became friends with a few people who were in my previous classes and we still talk to this day and help each other out with editing papers or help with any assignments if we share the same major. Everyone is always friendly and helpful.
Tips for prospective students
This school is perfect for someone who is willing to find out information on their own and who is willing to put in time and effort to learn the material if it means watching a youtube or googling a concept that you don't understand. Obviously, you should like the concept of going to school online as well -- if you prefer in class, this is obviously not a school to apply to. My biggest tip to prospective students, however, is to always communicate with your instructor. If you are going to be offline for a day or two and are submitting your assignments early, that's okay, but it never hurts to post something or e-mail your instructor to let them know.
Great for these types of students
This school, as I mentioned above, is great for students who like online class to begin with, who are willing to put in time and effort into understanding material if they come across a difficult concept, and who are independent students. If you are a student who relies on other people in person for information or who relies on the teacher's lecture to learn the material, this school is probably not the greatest for you.

paquita from Urbanna, VA

a current student here
23 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
I have received unique skills out of my college experience; it has equipped me for the possibilities of life and given me reasonable sources. My University of Phoenix experience has showed me that it is important to communicate and receive communication. It has exposed me to many ways of avoiding job-related barriers and convinced me to make it to the finish line. There are so many things and ways to learn with this school.If your willing to put forth the effort to learn than the educational experience will become yours.
Am enjoying being here
By experiencing University of Phoenix has only broadened my horizons. I value this experience every second, there are others who could only wish for this experience and are rarely given the chance to pursue it. I can give back to those individuals by taking this chance and utilizing my schools resources.I am tongue tied, with the enjoyment I receive from attending this school.If only high school science fair were like this.
Bang for the buck
The expense is not really so awful, with so many options out here to take advantage of it makes debt seem merely impossible.If you talk to your financial advisors they are willing to assist you threw the complete process.They were almost like my best friends,all they would need is a Facebook page.
Tips for prospective students
expand your intelligence, many may go to school for better careers but it is also important to have a deeper and more connected reason than that. I am enlightened by the thought of gaining more reusable information.” This will allow me to meet my educational goals, creating a higher success rate for my job-related deadlines. failure is like a bee every one's afraid to hit it,but it falls like any other insect. So don't be afraid to hit the bee.
Great for these types of students
This school is great for students wanting a edge for there education.If your the individual who wants to truly be connected to your profession. If it's more than a source of income than join a alumni that is willing to prove that hard work and determination can truly separate the amateurs from the professionals.

Brittany from Las Vegas, NV

a current student here
20 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
I feel like since becoming enrolled in this college I have learned so many new skills and tools to use for my future. Compared to the local community college I was going to, there is so much more information available through the UoP and the material has tought me more in half a year than I learned in two years at a public school.
Am enjoying being here
My teachers and classmates are very interactive and communicating with them has been a great experience because we are able to respond via e-mail and phone calls. This makes the learning process much more enjoyable.
Bang for the buck
It may seem quite expenssive to go here for the average student but I have to say it is well worth the money! The amount of effort you put into your classes will determine your success and this school does a great job at giving its students every opportunity to succeed!
Tips for prospective students
If you are considering this school for your next degree I would highly recommend that you consider their online, Axia program as well as the closest campus location near you. When you combine the two learning environments it makes for the best experience and education you can get.
Great for these types of students
I would say that a person who is self-motivated and determined would be a good Phoenix student. It takes a great amount of effort to reach the learning goals and expectations they require but anyone with the ambition to learn and succeed should do well here.

Tammi from Savannah, TN

a current student here
19 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
I remember thinking in the beginning that an online University may not give me as thorough knowledge as a physical campus. All of that has been shot out of the water. I am learning a lot. The classes seem to be thoroughly researched.
Am enjoying being here
I definitely enjoy being at U of P. I do not have a car right now. Trying to continue my education elsewhere would have been a headache. Not only that, but I had a great academic counselor that pretty much held my hand in the beginning. I honestly never received such treatment from a physical campus. I'm not saying you can't. I'm merely speaking of my experience.
Bang for the buck
I think I am getting a quality education. I do wish, though, that for what I am paying, that they would also have recorded online lectures to help hit a lot of the information home that we read in our texts. That is my only complaint.
Tips for prospective students
Expect to do a lot of reading. If you enjoy reading, there should be no problem. If you do not enjoy reading, learn to. It is needed in order to be very successful in your classes.
Great for these types of students
I'm not clear on what this question is asking. The online campus is great for busy individuals or for those who do not want to go traipsing across a campus.

Kirsten from Eustis, FL

accepted here and planning to attend soon
17 people found this review useful
Will learn a lot
Only two classes at a time give you a chance to really soak in the info.
Will enjoy being here
You can be at home, and at school at the same time!
Bang for the buck
Decent Pricing.
Tips for prospective students
I love it! Its convenient, log in on when you can, instead of be at class now' attitude is a nice change. Keep up with your work, and make sure your computer is reliable.
Great for these types of students
Those who can teach themselves will excel at this school.

Chris from California

a current student here
16 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
I am learning how to work with many types of people through the internet, which I am sure will be something I can use for the rest of my life.

I am also learning how to do thorough online research. I took this for granted until I started a job where many people did not know all the best ways to make search engines and online libraries work for them.

Most obviously, I am gaining valuable knowledge to help me toward my career goals of becoming a published author and trauma therapist.
Am enjoying being here
Most of my time so far has been very enjoyable because I never feel like I have been given an assignment that seems like busy work. Because most assignments require research and reading the textbooks, I always learn more than I was originally trying to look for.

Most of the Team Learning experiences have taught me how to work with all kinds of personalities. Some of the experiences were quite penitential but often times the tough groups were the ones I learned the most from.
Bang for the buck
It is expensive. The advantage of University of Phoenix online is that you can work full-time and do other things that you could not do if you were going to a brick and mortar college.

I think that the classes should be less expensive because teachers and students are using there own space and utilities that brick and mortar colleges would normally have to pay for.

The cost is probably my least favorite thing about the school, especially since even thought it is accredited some people still do not see online schools as equal to brick and mortar.
Tips for prospective students
Be prepared to write a paper almost every week.

Be prepared to work on a team at least every other week of a class. They seem more difficult at first but become easier as everyone gets the rhythm of how the team thing works.

Keep regular contact with your academic advisor and finance advisor. Some of them are a bit careless so if you do not hear from them in 48-72 hours call and ask if they are on vacation, if they have not ask to speak to their supervisor and request a new advisor. The advisors seem to be hit or miss.
Great for these types of students
If you do not like taking tests but do enjoy writing papers, UoPX online is the way to go.

If you prefer communicating through emails, online forums, and texts, this is an ideal university.

The most important quality for a student who is think about UoPX online is that you maintain good discipline. This is important for all students but when you are not showing up to an actual classroom everyday you must have good time management.

Phat from Midway, CA

a current student here
13 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
Anything post on the OLS is the thing that students need to take a look and learn something from that. Because it contains ideas of the instructor or some friend who is pleased to share that opinion to students in classroom. I have learned a lot from every single discussion questions, assignments, and other things from everyone on the OLS.
Am enjoying being here
Being a student of UoP is great! I am enjoying my time in this school. The online learning system is so cool and awesome. I could do work, research, and chat in the online classroom at anytime.
Bang for the buck
The tuition is not really too much for student. However, we should be serious and responsible while dealing with the loan and financial aid programs. We have right to make our decision, because the future is in our hands, so think twice before making any action.
Tips for prospective students
Any student can be a phoenix if they are interested in this school. You can feel free to enroll and become UoP student. Things you need to do first is ask yourself what you want to learn, what your goal is, and do you believe that you have enough what it takes to be successful ?
Great for these types of students
The students, who is very busy and have no time to go to classroom, should consider enrolling in the Online Learning System. It's great and students just spend less than an hour to submit works and do other works on there.

Susan from Humble, TX

a current student here
12 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
I learn very much from each course I have taken or will take here at the University of Phoenix, online. This format of education works well within my personal schedule, whether I am working or away for a few days handling other needs. If a person has interest in educating online, they should try this as it not too overwhelming.
Am enjoying being here
I am pleased that I chose University of Phoenix in an online format. Additional resources are available for financial and academic counselling if needed, along with other tutorial resources being available at the school's local facilities.
Bang for the buck
It is always best to apply for any type grants or low-cost loans to assist getting yourself through the educational process, and the costs thus far, have been manageable, although I would love to have a free-ride.
Tips for prospective students
Make certain to stay focused in the areas that need additional work, be communicative with facilitators and staff while keeping your mind open to new ideas or re-learning things you thought you knew already.
Great for these types of students
University of Phoenix, either online or onground campuses offers so much to students needing something that will cooperate within their work and home schedules.

Nicole from Tomball, TX

a current student here
11 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
The courses are challenging, and I have learned so much about Java and Communication.
Am enjoying being here
I love the flexibility of the courses, and with the new feature of the Phoenix Connect I am getting to know all of my peers and having a blast communication with them all.
Bang for the buck
I feel like I am getting the highest quality education I can.
Tips for prospective students
You cannot be a procrastinator at the school, you have to be self motivating and organized. If you like to read ahead this is the college for you! That doesn't mean you don;t have to participate weekly though.
Great for these types of students
Self-Starters, Good time managers, highly motivated