Dallas Baptist University
Dallas, TX, USA


Dallas Baptist University


from 3258 FM 1446, TX

Current student

In which ways do you feel you are learning and growing?

I feel I am growing in my relationship with Christ and with others. I’ve made many friends and I’ve thrived academically.

How are you enjoying your time at this college?

I am enjoying it very much! I spend hours at the coffee shop or library studying as well as walking the campus daily.

What tips can you share with prospective students?

Be willing to say no! You can’t attend every event. You’re here to get an education and strengthen your faith first and foremost. Everything else takes second priority.

What qualities do you have that have best prepared you for success at this institution?

I think my patience and my ability to listen have helped me in my studies.

In what ways do you feel this college challenges students academically?

The classes are hard and require you to think for yourself. It’s impossible to pass a class using AI or quizlet alone.

How would you describe the dorm life at this school?

I never lived in a dorm, but rather in ford village housing. It is fantastic, spacious, and easy to keep clean.

How would you describe the food and dining options?

There’s tons of options! Chick-fil-A, the daily bread bistro, the coffeehouse, union grill, and the dining hall. Though the Crowley dining hall isn’t great…

In your experience, what is there to do for fun at this college?

There’s a lot to do! There’s constantly some event to attend, there are many clubs, and there’s billybobs nearby!

In what clubs or organiziations have you participated and how have they impacted your overall experience?

I am a member of the tabletop board game club. I love it. It’s fun and a great way to connect to others.

Are there any quirky or unique traditions that make your college special?

There’s SWAT week, Christmas in the hill, battle of the burg, and the annual outdoor chapel. All are great!

How does this institution support campus safety or mental health and wellness programs?

There’s security and police constantly patrolling for safety and there’s free counseling for those who need it!

How has your college supported your career development and future goals?

It has helped me understand chemistry in new ways, and my professors have encouraged me to take chances and seek out internships to further my education.

David from Center, TX

accepted here and planning to attend soon
12 people found this review useful
Will learn a lot
Looks like a great place to be, and is perfect for pursuing my call to Ministry.
Will enjoy being here
Great atmosphere, and the people care.
Bang for the buck
Expensive for me, but I know that I serve a God that controls finances.
Tips for prospective students
Just pray up, and seek God as to if He would have you go here. These guys at DBU prayed over my application, read over it, and sought out God's decision. It's a great school with wonderful people.
Great for these types of students
Anyone interested in pursuing higher education with fellow Christians in a very Christian learning environment.

Bethany from Plano, TX

a current student here
5 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
I am a sophomore in the Music Business program. DBU has an incredibly special program that is growing as people learn of its exceptional merit. It is the only program of its kind. We are taught by professors who have been in the music business world for years and have decided to come teach us everything we know. From lawyers to former performers, you will receive the best musical education from the best of the best.
Am enjoying being here
I absolutely love my college experience. At times, its unfortunate that there aren't more ways to get involved on campus, but when you find what you like, it's awesome. The campus is gorgeous, and it is an awesome place. I wish there was more on campus, though, like maybe a coffee shop or restaurant.
Bang for the buck
Yes, it is amazing education, but (speaking as a student who has to pay out of my own pocket) it is incredibly difficult to pay sometimes.
Tips for prospective students
Apply for as many scholarships as you can! It's well worth your time. Also, make sure that you're coming here because of your field of study. We have an amazing music program, Biblical studies program and education program, but I think everything else is mediocre and you could probably go somewhere else and save a lot of money and get the same standard of education.
Great for these types of students
Hard-working, determined. It's all about what you want to study!

Reagan from Garland, TX

a current student here
4 people found this review useful
Academic Rigor
my professors are all so knowledgable, and passionate about what they teach!
Am enjoying being here
I have made so many friends here and met so many like-minded people. I am doing well in my classes and am enjoying learning so much! There are so many activities to get involved in, and always something to do. My favorite part, though, is how God is moving so evidently here.
Bang for the buck
honestly, it's expensive. that's the biggest (and really only) complaint i hear over and over. however, it's workable. i'm paying for my education entirely on my own. i've recieved a lot of financial aid, but also have a job on campus that is really helping me get through all my payments. i really think dbu is worth it. and you are called by god to be here, he will prepare a way! his will, his bill.
Tips for prospective students
apply early, and apply for every scholarship you think you may qualify for. if you have any intrest in pursuing any kind of christian ministy, apply for the ministerial grant. apply for the christian leadership scholarship, as it is a sure way to take a nice chunk of the cost of the tuition.
Great for these types of students
great for students who are tired of being just students who are christians, and want to be christian students. great for students that are craving a family and a body of believers to be surrounded by. great for students hungry for the truth.


a current student here
3 people found this review useful
In three sentences
DBU has provided me such a great experience. Some of the courses have expanded my knowledge and has allowed me to see and and understand new views I've never thought of before. There are so many great people at dbu and would not transfer anywhere else.
Tips for prospective students
don't let the scenery make you want to go to dbu. dbu is expensive so make sure you really want to go there for your spiritual growth and and education.
Academic Rigor
very good quality professors. they care about you and want the best for you. they are smart and are there to help you!
Dorm Life
Dorm life is crazy. i'm a girl and this last year I lived in crowley (community bathrooms). the room is too small and sometimes the girls are too loud but what makes me miss it and love it are the girls and RA from my hall. most of them have become one of my close friends at dbu and love them to death. the people is what makes it all worthwhile in the dorms.
Food and Dining
don't get to crazy at the cafeteria. one thing dbu is bad at is providing decent meals. They started getting better at the end of last semester which sucks b/c i'm living in the apts this fall but anyway DON'T GET CRAZY. Believe me it will be there ALL year.
What to do for fun
Bang for the buck
DBU is expensive and my scholarships don't cover it all. my parents pay the rest but I just keep filling out more sholarships. If God really wants me at dbu He will provide. He's provided this last year and I have faith that He will these coming years.
Campus Safety
pretty safe

CHRISTINA from Austin, TX

a current student here
3 people found this review useful
In three sentences
Dallas Baptist University is a university that puts values student leadership. From academics, to relationships with Christ, to the workers, faculty, and classes, Dallas Baptist University values each student and member and offers every possible way to help them grow.
Tips for prospective students
Visit the campus, and you will automatically fall in love! Apply for scholarships!!!
Academic Rigor
The teachers are wonderful, interested in helping you learn, and encouraging!
Dorm Life
You make so many friends living in the dorms. My roommate became my best friend! You meet SO many people.
Food and Dining
Every Monday night in the cafeteria is chicken fried steak night. The food is delicious, but the wraps made by Phyllis are the best! I ate countless wraps throughout my time there! The cooks are so sweet and will do anything for you! They cook and serve with love!

There are also cafe's throughout the campus!
What to do for fun
There are so many opportunities to serve, sports games to go to, friends' towns to visit, sports inter-mural, and so much more! Oh, and there are beautiful ponds to take pictures at!
Bang for the buck
Expensive, but totally worth it and DBU offers many scholarship opportunities!
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
It's a joke that when you get there, by the next semester you are going to be engaged. You do meet numerous people and all so different, but sweet! We have so many traditions, but you'll just have to come visit or attend to find out! ;) Oh suspense!!
Great for these types of students
Christian, and non Christian. Those who need to be surrounded by fun loving and encouraging people.
Clubs and Activities
Sororities, Bible Studies, Sports, and more!
Greek Life
Many sororities and many fraternities that I hear great things about!!! I have not RUSHed yet, but I will definitely look into it this next semester!
Campus Safety
Campus Security always roaming around the campus, the school is gated. On the weekend only one gate is open to get in and out of campus (with your car obviously), and also the gates (except the main one) closes around 1am. So safe, which is why I love it!

Kailey from Dallas, TX

a current student here
2 people found this review useful
In three sentences
I would rate DBU a ten out of ten. I love absolutely everything about this school. Being at a school that is centered around God is the best thing I could ever be apart of.
Tips for prospective students
Just remember that money isn't everything. A lot of students who come to DBU come from ALOT of money, but at the same time there are a lot of students who are on scholarships. Don't burry yourself in worrying about money. If DBU is where you are supposed to be then God will provide.
Academic Rigor
The professors truly care in the wellness of their students. It makes the academic experience much better when you know that your professors care about you.
Dorm Life
The dorms are great. You can make your best friends while living in the dorms. Also, they out a lot of thought and effort into picking out the amazing RA's. No matter where you are, you will no doubt have a good time.
Food and Dining
The cafeteria is okay. When you first get here it is so overwhelming because there is so much food. Some days are better than others, but you will never NOT like something in the caf. There are way too many options to go hungry!
What to do for fun
Most people stay in campus and play games....that sounds boring bit I promise its so fun! Downtown is about 15 minutes away from campus, so that's always a cool thing to do.
Bang for the buck
DBU is extremely expensive, but honestly, every single penny is worth it. The people who are here are the most selfless and sweet people you will ever meet.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
We have a Chick-Fil-A on campus! We also have a PaPa John's.
A funny tradition that we have is called Mr. Big Chief, which is basically a hilarious male beauty pageant. Its one of the best events on campus.
Great for these types of students
DBU is great for any type of student, but I would say that if you are a big partier then DBU probably isn't your place. We take pride in being a Christian college and representing Christ in the best ways possible.
Greek Life
Our Greek Life is unlike most. At DBU, our sororities and fraternities are centered around serving. We do not have any national sororities or fraternities because they try to change the face of Greek Life here.
Campus Safety
Security is constantly driving around. It is extremely safe.

Hannah from Glen Rose, TX

a current student here
2 people found this review useful
In three sentences
DBU has been a stepping stone in my personal and spiritual life. I am not only getting a great education, I am at a university that helps guide each student as they transition away from home. It has been challenging and rewarding to work hard, develop relationships, and take steps toward a future career.
Tips for prospective students
Register early to get not only the classes you want, but also the time slots you want. Know where the help labs are at and attend them regularly. Study in the library more than in your room.
Academic Rigor
My professors are excellent and they require excellence.
Dorm Life
Crowded--but you will make lifelong friendships.
Food and Dining
Good food...not much time to eat.
What to do for fun
It's Dallas...lots to do.
Bang for the buck
It is expensive, being a private school, but I know that the education I will receive will pay great dividends in the end.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
The Christmas Tree Lighting...and the lighting of the whole campus at Christmas is beautiful and cozy.
Great for these types of students
Students who are serious about their studies and want a smaller campus where teachers know your name.
Clubs and Activities
Too much to get involved with. You have to pick and choose wisely and not overload your schedule.
Greek Life
Very servant oriented Greek Life.
Campus Safety
I have never felt unsafe while on campus. Great security.

Holly from San Antonio, TX

accepted here and planning to attend soon
2 people found this review useful
In three sentences
DBU is a fantastic place for students who are looking to not only further their education, but also their social life and faith. Everything at DBU oozes with fun, a sense of community, and the love of the Lord. I'm so excited to be attending there in the fall, because I know that I will grow in Christ and grow as a person as well.
Tips for prospective students
Don't be afraid. Everything works out really smoothly and quickly. It is really intimidating at first, but at the end of the day everyone is in the same boat as you and the faculty and staff live to help all of DBU's students and I've come to find that they LOVE freshmen!
Academic Rigor
The academics are about as standard as they come, but what makes it so unique is the fact that the professors are all incredibly eager to get to know students on a personal level and help them achieve their greatest in class.
Dorm Life
The dorm rooms themselves are nice. The closets are HUGE! The buildings that they're in are amazing, especially Spence! All of the dorms are very community oriented and they also branch out to the other dorms as well. I'm pretty sure that they have thought of everything to make sure that the people living in the dorms are as comfortable as possible.
Food and Dining
Granted, it's not a five-star restaurant. But, as far as school food goes, it's delicious!
What to do for fun
There's constantly things to do at DBU. From intramural sports, to athletic games, Mr. Big Chief (a male beauty pageant), and so much more, it's impossible to be bored.
Bang for the buck
Being a private school, DBU can be a little expensive. Otherwise, I wouldn't be applying for this scholarship! But they are more than willing to help people be able to afford to go there. Almost everyone that I've talked to has the Christian Leadership Scholarship that they offer that pays for up to 40% of school fees. And as far as private christian schools, DBU is one of the cheapest in the country.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
There's an annual male beauty pageant called Mr. Big Chief. Six-eight guys on campus (who are really just the class clowns) compete in different categories like evening wear, swim wear, talent, etc. There's also several events to go to like the winter ball, midnight madness which is a party/pep rally to kick off basketball season, Sadie Hawkins dance which is a girl-ask-guys western dance, and so much more!
Great for these types of students
Any student who is looking for a place with a huge sense of community and a place that incorporates the Lord in everything it offers. Anyone who wants a smaller college with a one-on-one experience with their professors will love DBU.
Clubs and Activities
There are so many things to get involved in at DBU. There's things like Jewel House and Stone House for freshmen to live with a group who want to grow and develop together as they do bible studies and live together. There are several opportunities to get involved in student, academic, and spiritual life.
Greek Life
All of the greek life at DBU is service oriented and they all help out in different parts of the DFW metroplex and also on DBU campus.
Campus Safety
The campus is very secluded. It's surrounded by a lake, an agriculture farm, the Potter House, and a cemetery, so it feels very protected and away from outside danger. Campus security is always checking to make sure that everything is safe and guards the gate at night to make sure that everybody who comes on campus is supposed to be there.

Daniel from El Paso, TX

a current student here
2 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
DBU is one of the few schools you can get challenged to grow not only intellectually but spiritually as well. All the classes challenge you to think at the next level as well as aid you in maturing into the person you want to be in the future.
Am enjoying being here
Campus life is great! Get involved with as much as you can and you won't regret it. The fraternities here are great and really give you a sense of brotherhood. And the Patriots are incredible at Baseball!
Bang for the buck
Though Dallas Baptist University is a bit on the expensive side, there are ways to pay for it. DBU is more than generous in its scholarship awards. Make sure to apply for your Christian Leadership Scholarship.
Tips for prospective students
Make sure to apply for the Christian Leadership Scholarship because it does cover a fair amount of the cost. Make sure to visit campus and get a feel for the campus before coming here. Make sure to go to SWAT which is the orientation week, so that you can get to know your peers before classes start.
Great for these types of students
Students who enjoy the some what cozy campus feel. Students who are involved in the Christian faith will like it here. Students who love Dallas will like it here. And students who want to be able to get a hold of their professors will love it here.

Nataly from Frisco, TX

a current student here
2 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
I have only been here 4 days and I have learned a lot. The professors are great and care about your education and learning experience.
Am enjoying being here
I love it! My RA is awesome and everyone is very nice.
Bang for the buck
The tuition has increased but it is totally worth it. They have a great staff and awesome activities for student life body.
Tips for prospective students
Buy books online from amazon, chegg, textbooks.com. Books at all & any campus are ridiculouslly expensive from the bookstore. Attend everything at S.W.A.T becuase that is were you meet a lot of people plus, it's fun!
Great for these types of students
Great for all types of students! As long as you believe in God because the education is Christ centered which I love!!!! =)