Berry College
Mount Berry, GA, USA


Berry College


from Suwanee, GA

Current student

In which ways do you feel you are learning and growing?

Learning as being a part of a community, especially in the WinShape college program. Berry is a really small college for people and makes it super comfortable.

What tips can you share with prospective students?

Find a community fast and get involved.

What qualities do you have that have best prepared you for success at this institution?

High standards in academics.

In your experience, what is there to do for fun at this college?

Friday night hang outs. Marthapalooza.

In what clubs or organiziations have you participated and how have they impacted your overall experience?

WinShape, campus outreach, intramurals

Are there any quirky or unique traditions that make your college special?

Martha Day which is our homecoming.

How does this institution support campus safety or mental health and wellness programs?

They have the Ladd Center for health needs.

Colleen from Linwood, KS

a current student here
12 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
I am applying what I learn in my animal sciences classes directly into the Dairy where I work. Everything from their nutrition, calving, vaccinations, and surgeries are done first hand by the students. We learn the way things are done in the room then around 4am/3pm we go to work and apply everything and then some. You really won't get anything like this anywhere else.
Am enjoying being here
The is the largest campus in the world and when you need to get away there is nowhere you can't go. Play in streams, hike, bike ride, or explorer Broad St and the snow-cone store.
The professors are always willing to help you with anything. If you have a question on something in class the prof's will find the answer if they don't know or turn it into a research project you the two of you can work on. The Prof' check their emails all the time so they can constantly help you and the students hold their own tutoring program. There really isn't anything lacking at this school other than the no pets rule in the dorms, but that's the same everywhere.. not to mention that people do it anyway!
Bang for the buck
Again, you will be hard pressed to find anything like this anywhere else. Sure this college is expensive because it's a private school and doesn't get the same kind of aid as states schools but they have something better. The school has the student work program that gives additional aid to students to pay for school. Your classes hold more weight and work never gets in the way. You can work anywhere on campus ie in the dairy, food services, secretaries, accounting, day cares, police.. anything.
Tips for prospective students
Keep your GPA up, this will increase you student aid opportunities. If you have any problems with money, talk to the President. He will make sure you don't fall in deep with debt and still complete your four years.
Don't fall behind in you classes, this isn't High School where your school days stop on weekends, the prof's expect you to as well versed in you notes as you were on Friday. Your exams will pile up and you will probably have 2-3 on the same day. This is the same where ever you go so you are just going to have to learn to study all the time and never wait till the last minute.. you will get into trouble with that, trust me.
Remember the professors are there to help you. You pay them to teach you, thus there is no stupid question. Ask. They may have been waiting for someone to ask that specific question!
Just a p.s.
This is college not High School. No one is going to wake you up and make you breakfast. Get up yourself and go to class. You are paying the money and no one can have the same notes as you. You will lose your professor's respect if you skip classes.
Great for these types of students
Pre-vet, Animal Science, Biology, Chemistry, Education, Mathematics, Business, Accounting, Computers, Music (anything in Musics), Art(again .. anything in this department.

Calvin from Rome, GA

a current student here
7 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
Let’s not kid ourselves. How much you learn depends on how much you apply yourself. The school you choose to attend, however, does matter. This is because the quantity and quality of opportunities to learn varies from school to school. Does Berry College facilitate learning? Most certainly!

While it offers a particularly strong program for science majors in general, it facilitates learning for students of all majors through a unique experience encompassing a small student to staff ratio, dedicated staff members who go beyond the ordinary to ensure a quality education, and the world’s largest campus (26,000 acres!) on which students can find an overwhelmingly large number of extracurricular activities ranging from theatrics to rock climbing.

As a Biology major having completed my third year at Berry, I can honestly say that my professors have not only provided a quality education through both lectures and laboratory classes, but also have expressed high expectations for myself and all other students. This has encouraged me to work hard and to develop analytical skills necessary not only in further education, but also in day to day life.
Am enjoying being here
Berry has a student population of close to 2,000 students and is located in Rome, Georgia. This being said, if you enjoy nature and all of its wonders it has to offer, Berry’s 26,000 acres provides opportunities including mountain biking, hiking, mud wrestling, hunting, and more. On the flip side, if you fancy the city, both Atlanta and Chattanooga are only about an hour and a half away, providing all kinds of fun ideas for a Friday night (As they say, “Gotta get down on Friday”).

I have personally enjoyed my time at Berry thus far. I have mostly been involved as a part of the cross country and track team and as a part of the Winshape College Program ( Berry boasts an excellent running program and is known for hosting the Clara Bowl annually. The Winshape College Program is a scholarship program developed and funded by Truitt Cathy, owner of Chick-Fil-A, and cultivates college students to develop disciples, create community, and launch leaders to impact every generation.

Beyond these include an integrated work system which allows students to obtain all kinds of jobs, particularly ones involved in their field of interest. Enjoy conducting research about certain organic compounds? Work for a professor in the Chemistry department! Enjoy writing? Write for the Campus Carrier (news paper)! The opportunities are endless.
Bang for the buck
Well, to be fair, Berry isn’t the cheapest option out there. For instance, because I am a resident of Alabama, I could have gone to Auburn or Alabama and saved $10,000 a year. Yet, there were two critical things I had to consider. First, what was the quality of the education? Second, where could I get the most scholarships? I encourage you to consider these and give them thought.

I feel like Berry provides a greater educational experience than does Auburn or Alabama. I have developed many lasting relationships with some of the faculty and have been able to learn more as a direct result of relationships like these. At Berry, you’re a person, not a number. So while it isn’t the cheapest option, it’s the cheapest of its kind. Look around! Many schools similar to Berry cost about time and a half what Berry does. For college of its kind, it’s the number one choice!

Not only is Berry significantly cheaper than its similar peers, but it also offers many scholarships. That’s why I am able to attend Berry at all. While state schools like Auburn and Alabama were cheaper to begin with, I would not have received nearly as much money from areas such as academics or athletics. That being said, be sure to continually look for scholarships!

So is Berry worth it? Every penny.
Tips for prospective students
Tips? Try to immerse yourself in all different kinds of activities. Berry sets the stage for you to experience all kinds of things, so take advantage of it. The more you expose yourself, the more satisfied and certain you will be about the direction in which you want to go during the latter part of your time at Berry and especially after college. Not only so, but exposure to a number of activities will give you many, many opportunities to meet others with similar interests and develop lasting relationships.

For students who known for certain their direction, Berry provides an insurmountable number of opportunities for you to pursue your goals. This includes student teaching, research, outdoor adventures, theatrics, job experience, so on, and so on. Don’t just take my word for it. See for yourself! Visit Berry. Here’s a great place to start:
Great for these types of students
Berry is a great fit for students who prefer a traditional and small college, though ironically it has the largest campus in the world. Berry isn't far from Atlanta or Chattanooga, but Rome, Georgia remains a fairly open place with plenty of elbow room.

The school is also great for students who are interested in the sciences as a whole. Berry has an outstanding science curriculum and facilities for this purpose.

Lastly, Berry is a great fit for students who are academically ambitious, but still honor tradition. Berry is strongly academic, but it places an emphasis on many activities that occur from year to year.

If you want to feel like you are a part of a community, Berry just might be the right choice for you.

Kimberlee from Kennesaw, GA

accepted here and planning to attend soon
5 people found this review useful
Will learn a lot
Berry has smaller classes and their professors really make sure that you understand what is going on. They will help you during their office hours and extra hours if you need that. At Berry their professors want you to succeed and they are your biggest fans!
Will enjoy being here
Even though this campus is pretty much in the middle of no where, there is so much to do on campus. Berry is the site of the famous Winshape Camp, so you can always get involved there. Also, there is a lot of space to have fun and do indoor and outdoor activities.
Bang for the buck
Berry is private, but they offer a lot of financial aid. I have applied to several schools, but no one has helped me like Berry has with my financial issues. I did not qualify for FASFA, so Berry continued to help me and ended up giving me money. Also every student is guaranteed a job, which earns about 2,000 a year.
Tips for prospective students
Visit the campus and keep talking to your admissions counselor. Rock out your essay and keep in-touch.
Great for these types of students
People who like smaller classes, outdoors, and a laidback lifestyle.


a current student here
3 people found this review useful
In three sentences
Beautiful campus with 26,000 acres to explore. Big emphasis on education and working hard. Great small community that will prepare you to be successful after college .
Tips for prospective students
Definitely visit the school and talk to current students so you know as much as you can about Berry so you know if it's the right school for you. Berry students tend to focus on academics and extracurricular activities that will help them for their future careers.
Academic Rigor
Berry puts an emphasis on education, the classes are hard, but manageable if you stay on top of the work and study a lot. The professors are really nice and willing to help or clarify any questions that you may have about their class. Many students will still find time to join clubs to help prepare them for their future career, and almost everybody has an on-campus job since Berry guarantees on-campus jobs for all their students.
Dorm Life
Upperclassmen dorms are nice, but freshman dorms tend to be old. There aren't any suites available for freshman, all community bathrooms for freshmen. Many of the freshman dorms were built in the 1900s so they're old and sometimes dusty and they also tend to be overcrowded, but they are beautiful from the outside (Ford buildings look like castles).
Food and Dining
Dining Hall isn't very good, except on days when prospective students have tours, then again it's cafeteria food so you can't expect it to be great. Luckily there is a food court that has Chick-fil-A, Subway, a coffee shop, and a mini convenient store.
What to do for fun
There's a group on campus KCAB that hosts events generally about one per weekend: dances, concerts, game nights, coffee nights, movies. The big events in the fall semester are Marthapalooza(a carnival) and semiformal,and in the spring semester they have Vegas weekend and Formal. Many people leave for the weekends since most people who go to Berry are from Georgia or only live a few hours away, but if you stay on campus you'll find a group of friends to hang out with. There are so many outdoor activities on this 26,000 acre campus: hiking, horse trail rides, biking, etc.
Bang for the buck
As anyone will tell you, Berry is very expensive, but they have good academics, a beautiful campus, great people. Definitely apply for scholarships whenever you have the chance to help cut the cost. Berry will give you a good education and will help prepare you for the professional world.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Marthapalooza is a carnival they have every year in honor of Berry's founder Martha Berry. They also have Vegas weekend including a dance and Casino night.
Great for these types of students
Outdoorsy people who like small communities and are willing to work hard.
Clubs and Activities
There are a bunch of clubs that you can join, whatever your interests are. Although not as many as bigger state schools.
Greek Life
There isn't Greek Life at Berry.
Campus Safety
There's gatehouse security if you ever need it, but it's a very safe campus. Many people have left their stuff in the open and haven't had anything stolen. People will walk back to their dorms by themselves late at night coming from club meetings without any problems.

Anna from Owensboro, KY

a current student here
3 people found this review useful
In three sentences
Berry is a large, outdoorsy campus with a student to deer ratio of 1:3 Classes are very difficult but you learn a lot and you are challenged every day which will help you out in the long run. Every student is offered a job on campus and you can get promoted as well; an RA is a level four job but the head RA is a level 5 job.
Tips for prospective students
Be sure you visit campus before you say yes or no. I knew as soon as we drove into the front drive that I would be attending Berry College. However, the small school life is not for everyone. We did however just get a football team this year!
Academic Rigor
Berry is VERY difficult; especially the science department. But if you're looking to get into a grad school or medical school of any sort, having an undergrad degree from Berry boosts your acceptance chances by almost 50%. It's like a small Harvard with no greek life.
Dorm Life
I've only lived the the Ford buildings (built by an Italian family and funded for by Henry Ford himself) but there are cottages, townhouses, and apartment style living and they are so awesome! Traditional dorms are just like every other college.
Food and Dining
There is the Din ing Hall which serves pizza, salad, burgers, grilled chicken, and sandwiches every day along with different foods at the home cooked and two international food stations. Also there is the upstairs dining called Valhalla and it contains Chick-fil-a, Burger Studio, a mexican place, sushi and chicken and rice bowls, and then a small grocery like area. It's all pretty good! Also, we have a Starbucks in the same building and another coffee place in the library.
What to do for fun
The downtown in Rome is so much fun. Lots of restaurants and bars are down there. We've had singers come to The Brewhouse downtown. I've seen Florida Georgia Line, Chris Lane, and Tyler Farr. I was right on the stage all three times and received picks from all three bands. It's a small place with a big reputation. Also, Berry has something going on EVERY night. It's really awesome.
Bang for the buck
Berry is VERY expensive, but it has been totally worth it. Even though I am 5 and half hours away from home, I will stay the whole 4 years. I have learned and grown so much all due to Berry's environment and persistent encouragement for me to succeed. A+
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Wow, too many to talk about! We have a dairy and lots of cow fields, 26,000 acres covering all of Mount Berry, and historic sites all over. The original water wheel that supplied the early campus all of its water, the old brick factory that was originally used to start the school, and the old chapels and school buildings from the early 1900's. Marthapolooza is a giant fair on campus once a year in order to honor our founder, Martha Berry's, birthday. We do a grand march and parade and we get out of classes that day. It is so much fun.
Great for these types of students
Hard working for sure. Athletes who want to be challenged on and off the field. People who enjoy the outdoors.
Clubs and Activities
This is the heart of Berry. People are known for what they do. If you don't recognize a name while conversing with someone, you just ask what that person does on campus and with a short oh he is part of KCAB (Krannert Center Activities Board), you will know exactly who that person is now.
Greek Life
There is no Greek Life on campus.
Campus Safety
Wonderful. The Gatehouse is right across the street so they can be at the scene within 1 minute. I ALWAYS feel safe. People leave their backpacks, laptops, wallets, phones, etc. at tables in the library, Valhalla, study rooms, etc. all the time and no one every steals anything! Totally awesome.

Mary from Evans, GA

a current student here
3 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
Classes are hard but definitely worth it considering how much you learn
Am enjoying being here
I love the close knit atmosphere on campus! Definitely wouldn't be able to find it anywhere else!
Bang for the buck
Make sure to save your FlexBucks for finals week!
Tips for prospective students
Make sure to explore the different dorms on campus!!
Great for these types of students
social, outgoing, religious, conservative

Garrett from Douglasville, GA

a current student here
3 people found this review useful
Am learning a lot
The classes are harder than I was prepared for, honestly, but I could feel myself learning and growing as I worked in each class. If you are prepared to take your academics seriously, you will do well at Berry.
Am enjoying being here
I LOVE Berry College. The campus is gorgeous. The students are friendly and outgoing, for the most part. The residence halls and student center are very nice. There are plenty of events on campus, its extremely easy to get involved.
Bang for the buck
There are certain aspects of campus life that you would expect to be better than they are for the price you're paying (like residence life), but for the most part you get what you pay for.
Tips for prospective students
You don't have to know what you want to do with your life your first year, but you will do better at Berry if you know what major you want to pursue before going in. Go tour the campus and talk to current students, that's your best way to learn about the school.
Great for these types of students
Berry is a good school for students who want to be well-rounded and deeply involved with their community. Also, the animal science and education programs are among the best of their discipline.

Stephanie from Newnan, GA

a current student here
2 people found this review useful
In three sentences
Berry College is a rigorous learning environment in which students learn a vast amount of material and are fully engaged in class. The college environment is relaxed and there are always opportunities to participate in. It is an extremely friednly environment in which you are able to grow not only as a student but also as a person.
Tips for prospective students
Attend Berry College only if you are serious about wanting an education. there is so much that the college has to offer, but it is only beneficial if you are willing to try different programs and clubs and be involved.
Academic Rigor
The professors assign work that forces you to read the material, rto ask questions, and to do research and practice problems. if you are looking to gain a quality education, then Berry is right for you.
Dorm Life
The freshamn dorms are not that nice, and they all have community bathrooms. The upperclassman housing is farely new and nice though. They clean the dorms regularly, and the rooms are not tterribly small. Laundry facilities, a kitchen, and common areaas with tv's are provided.
Food and Dining
The dining hall is not open all of the time like other bigger schools, but we do have four restaurants on campus, and the dining hall food is decent. The seletion is farely good, and the food is fresh.
What to do for fun
The student activities office puts together fun opportunities like bowling, dances, carnivals, sports, socials, and trips. The campus is the largest in the world, so there are always places to explore, etc.
Bang for the buck
Berry College is pricey, but you really do get a lot for your money. Once you pay tuition, there really are no other expenses. There is a new gym that is very large and is filled with the latest equipment, there are running trails, mail service, computers, cameras, and kindles available to be checked out. Laundry is included and printing in the computer labs.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Every year we have mountain day, in which all of the students gather on top of this large hill mountain and we take a torch down and walk up and down the hill holding hands with others. We do this as a tradition that ou rfounder, Martha Berry, started. As you go down the hill, you take coins to throw in a basket at the bottom, and the money collected goes towards a scholarship for other students.
Great for these types of students
Hard working, adventureous, fun, friendly.
Greek Life
Campus Safety
We have our own campus police that constantly patrol the campus.

Lilly from Roswell, GA

accepted here and planning to attend soon
1 person found this review useful
In three sentences
I drove past the Gate of Opportunity and I knew I would be spending my next four years there. Berry has all the opportunities I have wanted in a college in one place and they value me as a student, and not a number. With an education from Berry I will be ready for anything the world throws at me, not just things from my major.
Academic Rigor
I had the pleasure to sit in on a class and it was very academically stimulating. Even students who weren't interested in the topic (it was entropy and thermodynamics) were paying attention. The concepts and work load are challenging and will push limits but they won't break you as a student from what I've observed.
Dorm Life
The dorms I saw were all beautiful! There was plenty of room for what you need to do, and from what I understand they only get better!
Food and Dining
I haven't had the pleasure to eat there yet, but when I visited it smelt great! And there were plenty of little other places to grab lunch at.
Bang for the buck
In my opinion the education I will receive their will be well worth the cost. I am searching from scholarships however because graduating in debt is never fun, but sometimes you've got to do what you've go to do.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
I am looking forward to SOAR and Viking Venture! They have lots of really cool activities to get you ready for college, even a GIANT slip 'n' slide!!
Great for these types of students
Students willing to work hard, and who are down to earth. Students who don't mind getting a little dirty, and students who are not so mush interested in a large party scene.

Shakarah from Madison, GA

a current student here
1 person found this review useful
In three sentences
Berry provides it's students with the best working experiences. This allows for the students attending, to be well prepared for working out in the real word outside of college. This school is also really big on community service and giving back to others.
Tips for prospective students
Students should be willing to come in ready with the mindset to work extremely hard. A lot of the courses at Berry very rigorous and challenge us a lot, but they provide us with a lot of beneficial information, allowing us to be well prepared in our field of study for when we graduate. If you are having trouble in a class, never hesitate to ask a professor for help. All the professors are more than willing to take the time during their office hours to further explain any concept that may be confusing.
Academic Rigor
The courses are pretty rigorous, but they prepare you well in your field of study.
Dorm Life
The dorms are nice. They are always kept up very well for the most part, and residence life always works hard to plan activities for the students within the different dorms. I would recommend that more housing could be built for the students in the future, but for the moment, things are manageable.
Food and Dining
In my opinion, the food in the dining hall is below average. The food doesn't taste bad, but I think that it would be more satisfying if we had more of a variety of foods to choose from, and if they would change what they served throughout the year from time to time.
What to do for fun
There are always sports events to attend, and they are always fun, as Berry allows the students to have opportunities to win prizes for attending the sporting events. There is always a special event that is going on every weekend on campus like: dances, huge slip and slides, concerts, and game shows. Berry also likes to host fun events off of campus like free skate nights and bowling nights.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Every year we have Mountain Day where all of the Berry students, alumni, and parents gather together on Mountain campus and have a huge celebration to honor the founder of the institution, Martha Berry. We end the night with a carnival called, Martha Paloosa. We have fair rides, foods, and games on campus for everyone and their families to enjoy.
Great for these types of students
If you want to get some work experience in while attending college, Berry is the place for you. The school offers a job for every single student that enrolls if they desire to have one. If you want, you can have more than one job on campus. You also get to chose if you want the money to go straight to your tuition, your bank account, or into your hands.
Clubs and Activities
Name a club and Berry probably has it. Every year we have a club fair at the beginning of the semester where students can go to booths and visit and sign up for any club that Berry offers. There is such a variety to choose from. We also have several intramural sports that students can participate in if they don't wish to do so at the varsity level. Every weekend our activities committee has fun events planned for the students on campus and sometimes off campus.
Greek Life
Campus Safety
Our campus police officers are extremely friendly, and they work very hard to keep everyone safe and happy. One time my bike was stolen, and one of the police officers went on a scavenger hunt for it, found it, and brought it back to me the next day.